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📥 Installation

HESTIA uses the following dependencies which will be installed automatically:

  1. python-dotenv – Loads environment variables from .env.
  2. coloredlogs – Provides colored log output for better readability.
  3. elasticsearch – Required for sending logs to Elasticsearch.
  4. python-json-logger – Formats logs as structured JSON (useful for Logstash & Kibana).
  5. fastapi – Likely used for exposing logs via an API endpoint.
  6. requests – Standard HTTP library for making API calls.
  7. structlog – Enhances logging with structured data.
  8. httpx – Async HTTP client (may be used for async logging or external APIs).

🎭 Poetry

We highly recommends using Poetry for its outstanding dependency management.

To start a new project:

poetry new my_project
cd my_project

This creates a structured Python project with pyproject.toml.

Adding Poetry to an existing project:

poetry init

Follow the interactive prompts to define project dependencies.

Creating & Using a Virtual Environment:

Poetry automatically creates and manages a virtual environment when installing dependencies. To explicitly create a virtual environment:

poetry env use python3

Activate the virtual environment:

poetry shell

Check the environment:

poetry env info

If you have an existing pyproject.toml, install all dependencies with:

poetry install

Install HESTIA:

Inside your project directory, run:

poetry add hestia-logger

📦 pip

HESTIA Asynchronous Logger is published as a python package and can be installed with pip, ideally by using a [virtual environment]. Open up a terminal and install with:

pip install hestia-logger
pip install hestia-logger=="1.*" # (1)!
  1. HESTIA uses [semantic versioning].

    This will make sure that you don't accidentally [upgrade to the next major version], which may include breaking changes that silently corrupt your site. Additionally, you can use pip freeze to create a lockfile, so builds are reproducible at all times:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

    Now, the lockfile can be used for installation:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

This will automatically install compatible versions of all dependencies. HESTIA always strives to support the latest versions, so there's no need to install those packages separately.

🐙 GitHub

HESTIA can be directly used from [GitHub] by cloning the repository into a subfolder of your project root which might be useful if you want to use the very latest version:

git clone
cd hestia-logger
pip install -e .

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