⚡️ Prerequisites
Before installing JANUX, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python 3.10+
- pip or Poetry
- Git
- Docker
- MongoDB
- Redis
🐍 Python 3.10+
Ensure you have Python 3.10+ installed. If not, download and install it from the official Python website. Check your version:
For installation guides and troubleshooting, refer to the RealPython documentation.📦 Package managers
If you don't have prior experience with Python, we recommend reading Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies, which is a really good introduction on the mechanics of Python package management and helps you troubleshoot if you run into errors.
Upgrade pip to the latest version:
🌱 Git
Ensure you have Git installed. If not, download and install it from the official Git website. Check your version:
🐳 Docker & Docker Compose
To run JANUX Authentication Gateway using Docker, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Download and install Docker from the official website:
Verify installation with:
🍃 MongoDB
MongoDB is required for storing user and admin credentials. We highly recommend to run a MongoDB instance in Docker.
➊ Pull MongoDB docker image
➋ Run MongoDB in a containerTo run a MongoDB instance in a container:
➌ Connect to MongoDB instance
Optionally, you can install MongoDB Compass GUI for MongoDB.
➍ Stop and remove MongoDB
For a standalone installation please follow the MongoDB Installation Guide.
🔥 Redis
Redis is required for storing user and admin credentials. We highly recommend to run a Redis instance in Docker.
➊ Pull Redis docker image
➋ Run Redis in a containerRECOMMENDED! To persist data beyond container restarts, mount a local volume:
➌ Connect to Redis instance
➍ Stop and remove Redis
For a standalone installation please follow the Redis Installation Guide.
Now that prerequisites are set, continue with configuration. 🎯